A great photographer, but most of all my uncle

Created by sazjeppie 11 years ago
Uncle Pete did my wedding photos as a gift, and how wonderful they were. My memories of him are a few years old and in recent years I didn't see him that often and we really only spoke on Facebook, but nevertheless I thought of him every time I looked at my Wedding photos around the house. They are even more special now, I feel sad when I look at them but happy too, knowing that this wonderful, kind man that I can call my uncle lovingly did the one thing that makes a wedding day special. He let us live with him when I was younger, while my parents were looking for property. I loved living there, it was fun. The one thing I remember distinctly is burning my knees and feet on the radiator whilst I was asleep, because the bed was right against the rad! ;) He also let me play on the huge organ/piano that he had, which i loved doing, although I couldn't play it that well! There's too many memories to put on here, but one thing is for sure, Uncle Pete was the kindest man I ever knew, and I am fortunate enough to have had him as an Uncle. xxxxxx